Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Masons all about me

My birthday is on March 26.
My favorite things are sports, books, family, my tramp and Lego.
The most important thing in the world to me is my family and friends.
I'm really good at sports and maths.
I like books about history, science and books that are funny.
If wishes came true I would wish for more Lego.
After school I like to go on my tramp and play on my computer.
My goals and dreams for this year is to get to the top of the world in mathletics.
How I help others by introducing people to the school.
They are special my dog, friends and family because they support, play with me.They are helpful, kind, funny and my family cooks for me.
A little joke.What did the big chimney say to the little chimney? Your to young to smoke.
I would like my teacher to call me Mason.